Circumventing Staff Shortages with Cross Training

Staff shortages in healthcare are surging rapidly, affecting practices of all sizes and specializations. With dwindling candidate pools and growing needs, techniques have turned to cross-train to prevent disruptions in operations. cross-training is just a cakewalk when the right EHR and practice management software is combined. An adaptable, user-friendly system can make tasks achievable for various practice staff.

With adequate training in EHR and PM to staff across different roles and functions, practices can ensure they are prepared to manage more extensive responsibilities, fill in the gaps where needed, and handle unexpected situations while empowering staff in healthcare along the way.

The Necessity for Medical Practice Cross-Training

As practices canceled elective care and implemented social distancing protocols, revenue has suffered since the Covid pandemic. Nonetheless, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)’s recent data, healthcare job openings have climbed significantly higher than before the pandemic. However, many healthcare “quit rates” had increased by 35% over their pre-pandemic levels, which can be attributed to several factors, including industry burnout.

Prevailing Staff Shortages in Healthcare

With healthcare workers leaving their jobs, cross-training provides a way for practices to continue to operate. Such training reduces gaps in communication and risks to patient safety. Employees have more flexibility and support. When every staff member has EHR and PM training, the pool of knowledge expands. By contrast, productivity can suffer when only a few people know how to operate the EHR or PM system.

Steps to Initiate Medical Practice Staff Training

Steps to initiate staff training- Create a flow chart/ diagram compiling the four steps.- Pending B4 uploading to the website

Assess the Staff’s Acquaintance with the System.

Speak with providers and practice staff to understand how much they interact with the EHR and PM system, how comfortable they feel using it, and what gaps might exist in their knowledge. From these discussions, you can understand areas where they should focus, and you may also become aware of exceptionally skilled staff members who can help others learn.

Focus on EHR and PM Training

Find out what types of EHR and PM training, support, and ongoing guidance your vendor offers. It may be via the following:

  • Product- or role-specific modules,
  • Webinars
  • User conferences
  • EHR and PM training events

Develop a plan to involve staff members in EHR, PM education, and events.

Share Resources

Your EHR vendor may provide how-to articles, updates, workflow guidance or maintain a knowledge center with white papers, blogs, and guides. Plan to disseminate educational resources throughout your practices.

Customize the Learning Experience

Besides cross-training staff, another avenue is to provide custom, role-based training. This way, staff members across various roles and functions can gain an in-depth understanding of their position’s EHR and PM requirements and impart that knowledge to others.


Given the toll of post-pandemic burnout and the lure of other offers, providing training opportunities for medical practice staff can go a long way to enhancing the workplace. Cross-training can make employees more flexible, confident, and eager to contribute to a teamwork environment.

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